Firstly, it is very normal for children to be scared of the dark and this can start to happen when their imagination starts to really develop which is generally from 2 ½ years old onwards. It can be hard for them to distinguish the difference between imaginary and reality and it often isn’t the darkness itself that they are afraid of.
The most common reasons for this fear are:
1) Overtiredness – this leads to increased levels of the stress hormone Cortisol which can cause anxiety to increase.
2) Being under tired – their imagination can really go for it if they are led in bed not tired enough!
3) They may have watched something or read something that fuels their imagination and add to this fear. Especially right before bedtime, be sure to be careful what they are exposed to as it may not seem a big deal to us but they may interpret it in a different way.
4) Separation from mummy & daddy – they may need extra connection in the daytime & encourage independent play.
Steps you can take to help your child if they are scared of the dark:
1) Acknowledge their fear so that they know you are listening to them and that they can be open with you.
2) A red night light – if this phase doesn’t pass then a red night light on a very dim setting so that the room stays as dark as possible can help. When you put them to bed, stay in the room for a few minutes after you turn the lights off so that they can adjust.
3) The ‘Protector Shift’ – this is about your child going into ‘protector’ mode rather than feeling scared. You can explain to them that they can look after their teddy or comforter and they become more empowered and less fearful.
4) Playing in the dark at different times of day – making the dark see, more fun rather than scary such as playing with a torch and reading books or using glow sticks.
5) If you child calls for you in the night, try not to turn a light on when you go in and see them.
With patience and consistency you can help your child to overcome their fear of the dark and remember that this is a very normal phase!